Thursday, January 30, 2014

وظيفة بعض الخصائص في الكاميرا

Fill-in flash - 1 : 
يستخدم عند الحاجة لإضاءة الفلاش بالكامل، و عند تصوير مكان بإنعكاسات ضوئية مختلفة و درجات من الضل و النور، أي مكان فيه زوايا.

2 - Fill-off flash : 
يستخدم في الأماكن التي يكون فيها الفلاش ممنوعاً أو الأماكن التي تكون فيها الإضاءة كافية و لا حاجة للفلاش.

Red-eye reduction - 3 : 
يستخدم عندما تكون هنالك أجسام تعكس الضوء بشده عند استخدام الفلاش كقطع مرايا أو أي أجسام لامعه، و هذا ما يفسر بريق العيون في الصورة.

Self-timer - 4 : 
يستخدم عند الحاجة للتصوير الذاتي بتشغيل التوقيت فيتم التصوير تلقائياً.

5 - Close up : 
يستخدم عند التصوير لمسافة قريبة جداً لتجنب تشويش الصورة.

Photo: ‎وظيفة بعض الخصائص في الكاميرا:

Fill-in flash - 1 : 
يستخدم عند الحاجة لإضاءة الفلاش بالكامل، و عند تصوير مكان بإنعكاسات ضوئية مختلفة و درجات من الضل و النور، أي مكان فيه زوايا.

2 - Fill-off flash : 
يستخدم في الأماكن التي يكون فيها الفلاش ممنوعاً أو الأماكن التي تكون فيها الإضاءة كافية و لا حاجة للفلاش.

Red-eye reduction - 3 : 
يستخدم عندما تكون هنالك أجسام تعكس الضوء بشده عند استخدام الفلاش كقطع مرايا أو أي أجسام لامعه، و هذا ما يفسر بريق العيون في الصورة.

Self-timer - 4 : 
يستخدم عند الحاجة للتصوير الذاتي بتشغيل التوقيت فيتم التصوير تلقائياً.

5 - Close up : 
يستخدم عند التصوير لمسافة قريبة جداً لتجنب تشويش الصورة.‎
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قواعد لالتقاط صور رائعة للأطفال

أفضل وضع لتصوير الطفل:
الأطفال كائنات تعشق الحركة، لذا فأفضل الأوضاع لتصوير الطفل هو أن يكون طبيعياً بدون تكلف. صورّ طفلك و هو يلهو بألعابه، و هو يقفز، صوره في لحظات البكاء و النوم، صوره في أي لحظة تشعر أنك تريد أن تتذكرها معه حينما يكبر، حاول دائماً أن تلتقط الصورة و هو لا يشعر بك، فلا داعي للتكلف، أما إذا أردت أن ينظر إلى الكاميرا فيكفي أن تلفت انتباهه لك.

إذا كان الطفل هو محور الصورة، فحاول أن تقترب إليه بحيث يظهر بمفرده في الصورة، مع إعطاء مساحة ضيقة للخلفية. و من الممكن أيضاً الاقتراب من الطفل و الحصول على صورة جيدة من خلال تقنية الزووم في الكاميرا، لكن مع مراعاة أن يظهر جسم الطفل كله، و لا تقطع بعض أجزاء كالقدمين مثلاً. أما إذا كنت تريد أن يكون وجه الطفل هو محور الصورة فقط، فهنا يجب الاقتراب بشكل أفضل بحيث تظهر ملامح الطفل وتعبيراته كما تريدها.

خلفية الصورة:
أفضل صور الأطفال هي تلك التي تلتقطها في بيئة الطفل الطبيعية، وسط ألعابه، على سريره، لكن لا يعني ذلك أن تكون خلفية الصورة تنم عن الفوضى في المكان، بل حاول أن يكون المكان مرتباً قدر الإمكان عند التقاط الصورة.

أما في حالة التصوير الخارجي، فكلما زادت الألوان كلما كان ذلك أفضل! جرب مثلاً تصوير الطفل على العشب الأخضر، أو بجوار بعض النباتات و الزهور، أو في حديقة الحيوان مثلا أو غيرها من الأماكن المفتوحة، مع مراعاة عامل الأمان طبعاً عند التقاط الصورة للطفل.

أفضل زاوية للتصوير:
يفضل أن ينحني المصور قليلاً عند التقاط صورة الطفل، بحيث يكون على نفس مستوى طول الطفل، وذلك للحصول على أفضل نتيجة للصورة.

إذا كنت ستلتقط صورة خارجية، فاحرص على اختيار الأوقات التي لا تكون فيها الإضاءة قوية جداً بحيث تفسد الصورة. و من أفضل الأوقات لالتقاط الصور عموماً في الصباح الباكر أو بعد الظهر. أما إذا كان التصوير في وضح النهار و الشمس قوية، فاحرص على أن تكون الشمس في الظهر أو على الجانب. و إذا كان التصوير في وقت الغروب مثلاً، فيمكنك استعمال الفلاش للحصول على أوضح نتيجة للصورة.

أما إذا كانت الصورة داخل المنزل، فيراعى توفير الإضاءة الكافية، كأن تصور الطفل مثلاً بجوار النافذة أو غيرها من الأماكن المنيرة في المنزل.

Photo: ‎قواعد لالتقاط صور رائعة للأطفال:

أفضل وضع لتصوير الطفل:
الأطفال كائنات تعشق الحركة، لذا فأفضل الأوضاع لتصوير الطفل هو أن يكون طبيعياً بدون تكلف. صورّ طفلك و هو يلهو بألعابه، و هو يقفز، صوره في لحظات البكاء و النوم، صوره في أي لحظة تشعر أنك تريد أن تتذكرها معه حينما يكبر، حاول دائماً أن تلتقط الصورة و هو لا يشعر بك، فلا داعي للتكلف، أما إذا أردت أن ينظر إلى الكاميرا فيكفي أن تلفت انتباهه لك.

إذا كان الطفل هو محور الصورة، فحاول أن تقترب إليه بحيث يظهر بمفرده في الصورة، مع إعطاء مساحة ضيقة للخلفية. و من الممكن أيضاً الاقتراب من الطفل و الحصول على صورة جيدة من خلال تقنية الزووم في الكاميرا، لكن مع مراعاة أن يظهر جسم الطفل كله، و لا تقطع بعض أجزاء كالقدمين مثلاً. أما إذا كنت تريد أن يكون وجه الطفل هو محور الصورة فقط، فهنا يجب الاقتراب بشكل أفضل بحيث تظهر ملامح الطفل وتعبيراته كما تريدها.

خلفية الصورة:
أفضل صور الأطفال هي تلك التي تلتقطها في بيئة الطفل الطبيعية، وسط ألعابه، على سريره، لكن لا يعني ذلك أن تكون خلفية الصورة تنم عن الفوضى في المكان، بل حاول أن يكون المكان مرتباً قدر الإمكان عند التقاط الصورة.

أما في حالة التصوير الخارجي، فكلما زادت الألوان كلما كان ذلك أفضل! جرب مثلاً تصوير الطفل على العشب الأخضر، أو بجوار بعض النباتات و الزهور، أو في حديقة الحيوان مثلا أو غيرها من الأماكن المفتوحة، مع مراعاة عامل الأمان طبعاً عند التقاط الصورة للطفل.

أفضل زاوية للتصوير:
يفضل أن ينحني المصور قليلاً عند التقاط صورة الطفل، بحيث يكون على نفس مستوى طول الطفل، وذلك للحصول على أفضل نتيجة للصورة.

إذا كنت ستلتقط صورة خارجية، فاحرص على اختيار الأوقات التي لا تكون فيها الإضاءة قوية جداً بحيث تفسد الصورة. و من أفضل الأوقات لالتقاط الصور عموماً في الصباح الباكر أو بعد الظهر. أما إذا كان التصوير في وضح النهار و الشمس قوية، فاحرص على أن تكون الشمس في الظهر أو على الجانب. و إذا كان التصوير في وقت الغروب مثلاً، فيمكنك استعمال الفلاش للحصول على أوضح نتيجة للصورة.

أما إذا كانت الصورة داخل المنزل، فيراعى توفير الإضاءة الكافية، كأن تصور الطفل مثلاً بجوار النافذة أو غيرها من الأماكن المنيرة في المنزل.‎

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Mausoleum of the Aga Khan Pink is Austere

At first sight, the Mausoleum of the Agha Khan in Aswan may appear to you as an austere and isolated building, on the west bank of the Nile River. Inspired by the architecture of the Cairo Fatimids, the structure is recognizable by its elegance and by its special use of pink granite. It was built at the request of the begum, wife of the Aga Khan III who died in 1957.

The begum – who died in 2000 – lived in the white villa below but closed the mausoleum to the public in 1997 to allow the deceased to rest in peace away from the bustle of the living. Nevertheless, the spot is more than worth a visit, be it for the serenity of the place or the amazing panoramas of the Nile and the villa below.

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Elephantine Island

Probably the most beautiful place to visit in Aswan! The Elephantine island is a truly paradisiacal spot with wonderful gardens and some truly significant artifacts. It is a great place to spend some leisure time, wandering among the colorful houses of the Nubian villages Siou and Koti, fishing in the Nile, or having a picnic on the river banks.

Philea Island The Temple Isle

The ancient island of Philae was a sacred center for the cult of Isis and the location of a great temple complex now known as Philea Temple. For millennia, Philea Island attracted pilgrims from all over the known world and continued to be a pagan center of worship after the arrival and spread of Christianity. 

Philea Island was flooded and eventually became fully submerged after the creation of the Aswan Dam and Lake Nasser. The flooding prompted the UNESCO initiative to preserve the magnificent Temple of Philea. It was dismantled and relocated to Agilkia Island, which was renamed Philea Island. Take a felucca cruise to sail to Philea Island and see the magnificent Ancient Egyptian ruins.

The Temple of Philae A UNESCO World Heritage Site

Dedicated to the goddess Isis, the Temple of Philae is located in a beautiful setting, landscaped to match the original site of the temple when it was relocated by UNESCO after the building of the Aswan Dam threatened the site. The temple has several shrines and sanctuaries such as Trajan’s Kiosk or Pharaoh's Bed. Visit the temple at night to attend the Sound and Light show.
Ticket Price(s):
Regular: 50 EGP
Student: 25 EGP
Opening Hours:
Oct-May: 7am - 4pm
Jun-Sep: 7am - 5pm

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The Unfinished Obelisk In Aswan

A great disappointment for Ancient Egyptian stonemasons but an awe-inspiring site for tourists, the Unfinished Obelisk in Aswan is the heaviest monolith found in Egypt. About 42 meters long and weighing an estimated 1168 tons, the obelisk would have been the largest piece of Egyptian masonry had it been completed. The obelisk was probably left unfinished after it cracked at the middle. It is still attached to the parent rock in the Northern Quarries, where the Ancient Egyptian quarried granite. Note the tool marks and pictographs of dolphins and birds engraved on this colossal obelisk.

Opening hours: 
Summer: 08:00-18:00
Winter: 07:00-16:00

Ticket Price(s):
Regular: 30 EGP
Student: 15 EGP

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Temple of Hatshepsut

Located beneath massive cliffs near the west bank of the Nile, the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut, also known as Deir el Bahri, is dedicated to Amon-Ra, the sun god. Designed by an architect named Senemut, the temple is unique because it was designed like classical architecture. Note the lengthy, colonnaded terrace some of which are 97 ft high, pylons, courts, and hypostyle hall. Inside you’ll see the sun court, chapel and sanctuary. Temple reliefs depict the tale of the divine birth of Hatshepsut and trade expeditions to the Land of Punt (a reference to modern Somalia or the Arabian Peninsula).

Ticket Price(s):
Regular: 30 EGP
Student: 15 EGP 

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Aswan Peace be Upon You

Located about 899 km south from Cairo, Aswan is a serene Nile Valley destination where the Nile is more majestic than anywhere else, flowing through granite rocks, and round emerald islands covered in palm groves and tropical plants. It is considered as an all-time favourite winter destination.
Moreover, you'll be surprised to see how many monuments and sites this small city has to offer. Consider sailing to the temple of Philae, seeing the Agha Khan Mausoleum and taking an excursion to St. Simeon’s Monastery.
Egypt's sunniest southern city is the perfect destination to stroll and relax in a magical cultural setting: wander down the broad walkway, locally known as the corniche, to watch feluccas slowly sailing the Nile then stop at one of the floating restaurants to enjoy Nubian music and freshly caught fish. Aswan offers a splendid view of the Nile and is a great starting point for a Nile cruise.

Aswan also offers a rich cultural experience; you’ll get to know Nubian culture and shop for spices, henna tattoos, souvenirs and African handmade goods at the Aswan souk. The word Aswan derives in fact from the Ancient Egyptian word “Soun” meaning souk or trade. It has earned its name thanks to the city’s strategic position, on the trade route linking the North of Egypt to its South. 

Since Ancient times, Aswan has also been known for its environmental therapy: burying the aching parts of your body in Aswan’s sand gives valuable results and can help relieving you from stubborn ailments such as rheumatism, arthritis, joint edema and skin inflammation. The town’s climate is also known to have great relaxing and rejuvenating properties.
The best times to visit Aswan are May and September, summers are scorching, and winter temperatures have been known to reach 27 during the day, with cold nights.

the official web site of Aswan

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Valley of the Kings Pharaohs of the Sedge & Bee/ Valley of the Queens Queens, Princes, Princesses and Nobles

Situated on the ancient site of Thebes, on Luxor's West Bank, the Valley of Kings is the ancient burial ground of many of Egypt's New Kingdom rulers.
A truly impressive site! There, you will find Tutankhamen’s tomb which was discovered almost intact in 1922 and the tomb of Ramses IV, among others. A ticket will allow you visiting 3 of the 63 tombs on site, except Tutankhamen’s tomb, which requires an additional ticket. Although the tomb alone is worth a visit, you will have to visit the Egyptian Museum in Cairo to see the treasures Tutankhamen was buried with.

Ticket Price(s):
Regular: 80 EGP
Student: 40 EGP

Tutankhamen's Tomb:
Regular: 100 EGP
Student: 50 EGP 


Located on the West Bank of Luxor near the Valley of the Kings, the Valley of the Queens is the place where wives of Pharaohs were buried in ancient times as well as princes, princesses and various members of the nobility.

Nefertari’s tomb, Ramses II favourite wife,  is the most famous attraction. The tomb is said to be one of the most beautiful in Egypt: it is completely painted with scenes depicting Nefertari being guided by gods.

Approximately 1 km off the road leading to the Valley of the Queens is located Deir El-Medina. Although it means the “town’s monastery” the name refers to a Ptolemaic temple, dedicated to Hathor, but which was later occupied by early Christian monks. Near the temple, lie the ruins of the Worksmen’s Village, an ancient town where workers and artists who created the tombs of the Valleys of the Kings and Queens lived and were buried in. Some of the workers’ tombs are beautiful works of art, really worth a visit.

Ticket Price(s):
Regular: 35 EGP
Student: 20 EGP

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The Temple of Luxor Threads of Egyptian History

The Temple of Luxor is a must see site on any trip to Egypt; it is a testimony to the history of the continuous history of Egypt, beginning from the 18th dynasty of Ancient Egyptian rule to the 14th century AD when a mosque was built in the complex to commemorate Abu Al-Haggag, who is responsible for bringing Islam to Luxor.
Many pharaohs played a part in building this temple over the years including Tutankhamen, Hatshepsut, Ramses II, and Amenhotep III; as you walk through the temple you can see the contributions of each one usually where you find statues and images of them carved in the walls.
The Romans and later the Christians also had an effect on the temple.
The temple of Luxor is incredibly rich with the chronicles of the past, see descriptions of the battle of Kadesh, accounts of the festival of Opet, the tale of how Amenhotep III’s mother was impregnated by a God, and other stories told of the pharoah’s exploits on the pillars, obelisks and walls of the temples.

Make sure you return to Luxor temple at night to watch the Sound and Light Show.

Ticket Price(s):
Regular: 50 EGP
Student: 25 EGP -

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The Colossi of Memnon

On your way to visit the West Bank of Luxor, you will come across the two gigantic statues known as the Colossi of Memnon. These two gigantic figures of Amenhotep III were originally situated in front of his Mortuary temple, which seems to have been destroyed for unknown reasons. Each colossus is about 21 metres tall and represents King Amenhotep III seated on his throne. Legend has it that after an earthquake damaged it in 27 BC, one of the statues emitted strange sounds in the morning-perhaps due to the heat of the sun following the humidity of the night. However, the restoration which took place in 193-211 A.D, made the sound stop forever.

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Luxor World's Finest Open Air Museum

Luxor, once an Ancient Egyptian capital, is known today as the world's "greatest open-air museum." From the tomb of Tutankhamen in the Valley of the Kings and the magnificent sunset views at the majestic temple complexes of Karnak and Luxor to the exciting and fun Nile cruises, Luxor is the perfect choice for culture vultures.

Luxor is divided by the Nile into two areas commonly called the East Bank and West Bank which were considered in Ancient Egyptian times as symbolizing respectively Life and Death.

While the East Bank has grown to become a modern city, it has retained its lush green setting, its traditional bazaar and stunning view of the Nile. The East Bank boasts some of Egypt's most refined hotels, home to amazing Spa's and a golf course.

The West Bank is known for its necropolis and mortuary temples: the Valley of the Kings, the Valley of the Queens, the Workers Village, and the Temple of Medinet Habu are the highlights of Luxor’s West Bank. In Ancient Egyptian mythology the setting sun to the west symbolised the journey to the afterlife, so it was fitting symbolism to bury the dead west of the Nile.

While in Luxor, you can opt for a simple accommodation at one of the simple hotel of the West Bank, where archaeologists used to stay when on excavations missions, or you can take it to the other extreme by staying at one of the town’s luxurious establishments, such as the El-Moudira Hotel on the West Bank or the history-filled Old Winter Palace on the East Bank.

Sun and warmth all year round characterizes Luxor’s climate, the sun shines for 11 hours during summer and 8 during winter. Winter temperature averages around 26°C, in summer temperature reaches 39°C.

official web site of Luxor

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Hurghada City Capital of the Red Sea Riviera

Spanning over 40 km of pristine coastline, Hurghada City has year-round sunshine, incredibly beautiful coral reefs and dozens of exciting attractions in a laid back, relaxed atmosphere. Even though it's known as a top-three diving destination on the planet, it still has something for everyone, even the non-divers: beach fun, extreme water sports, clubbing and golfing are only some of the options you’ll have to choose from.
You can also enjoy an amazingly relaxing holiday by booking a treatment or two at one of Hurghada's best Spas.

Hurghada is a luxury resort town divided by Sigala, El-Dahar and El-Memsha. Sigala is where you’ll find many seaside resorts, mid-range hotels and plenty of restaurants. South of Sigala, you’ll find luxury resorts. El-Dahar is the older charming part of town with its bountiful bazaar. El Memsha, which means the village road, is the modern part of the city. There are numerous luxury locations nearby, visit Soma BayMakadi Bay, and Sahl el Hashish. Considered the capital of the Red Sea Riviera, Hurghada is south of Suez and 550 km from Cairo. You can reach Hurghada by ferry from Sharm-el-Sheikh, the road from Luxor and by the Hurghada International Airport. 

The temperature is lovely all year round, with Hurghada’s dry desert climate you should expect large differences in the temperature between night and day, days are hot, while nights can get pretty cold especially during winter months. Temperature can reach highs of 18 C and lows of 42 C.

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Siwa Oasis Eden of the Western Desert

After a long drive through the barren landscape of the Western Desert, you won’t believe your eyes when you reach Siwa for the first time. See an edenic island full of mineral springs, salt lakes and endless Olive and Palm groves.

For a cultural tour in Shali, the oasis' main town, check out the strange ruins of the Shali Fortress which dominate the town center and walk along sandy paths to find the Temple of the Oracle, once visited by Alexander the Great himself to consult the Oracle of Siwa. Finish your day by taking a dip at Cleopatra's Pool, where the legendary queen herself is believed to have once swum. Don’t forget to buy some Siwan Crafts on your way, and spare an hour or two for a visit to the charming Siwa House Museum.

Adventurous travelers will also get their fix of fun and excitement by heading for a safari into the great sand sea or trying out quad biking in the Western Desert of Egypt.

It is advisable to visit Siwa and any other Western Desert destination in the cooler months of the year, from October to April that is. Temperatures in summer can reach  up to 35-45 C.

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Yacht Dinner Cruise Cruise the Night Away

If you’re looking for an unbeatable romantic or totally crazy night out in Egypt, try the glamour of a Red Sea dinner yacht cruise. Departing from Sharm’s marina, the upscale dinner cruises have become a hit over the past few years. Some of Sharm el-Sheikh’s upscale hotels, such as the Ritz-Carlton and the Dominia Coral Bay have initiated this new trend. Imagine the candle-lit gourmet dinner you’ll enjoy with your tender one on deck, or the crazy party you’ll throw with your friends, miles away from the shore. A perfect option to celebrate a special event, or just celebrate your holiday in Sharm!

When arranging the cruise from your hotel or with a tour operator, you’ll be offered additional services such as live entertainment, including folkloric shows, or belly-dancing performances.